hip and upper thigh
Intra-articulate effusions in the anterior capsule of the hip joint can be detected as a triangular structure and observed as a dark area of fluid collection that distend the capsule.
Iliopsoas tendinopathy causes a dark, swollen tendon with poor fibre architecture, the iliopsoas bursa communicates with the hip joint, iliopsoas bursitis is sometimes associated with hip joint pathology. An abnormal iliopsoas tendon motion is the common cause of extra-articular snapping hip.
Proximal quadricep tendon tears occur less frequently than in the midsubstance of the muscle belly or at the myotendinous junction.
In the medial hip, Adductor tendinopathy most commonly affects the adductor longus and the gracilis muscles, the tendon can appear dark and thickened.
Greater trochanteric pain syndrome or lateral hip pain is caused by hip abductor tendinopathy or tears, especially in the gluteus medius tendon. Trochanteric bursitis effects one of several superficial bursa of the lateral hip
Hamstring tendinopathy of the proximal attachment appears dark and swollen. Calcification can occasionally be detected at the tendon insertion or within the tendon.
Ischiogluteal bursitis is also known as “weaver’s bottom”, which is caused by prolonged sitting. A fluid accumulation in the ischiogluteal bursa is demonstrated on the bright bony cortex of the ischial tuberosity